We can help you put the
boom in boom-boom.
Need help getting your rocks?
We got you, bro.
*slaps node*
this baby's got what you need.
Got wood? No? We can fix that.
Tree-pwner Extraordinare
Token Bald Guy
We smack more rocks than anyone else. Guaranteed.
We smacked rocks for fun. Big rocks. Little rocks. Trees. Then came barrels, and we smacked those too. No people, though...that's just wrong.
QQP joined the team. We DP-ed resources on the regular. It was fun, but we needed more...
We pick up Token Bald Guy from a farm team. Great add, truly the best. He has a really top-shelf idea: PEOPLE WOULD TOTES PAY US TO DO THIS SHIT.
We onboard the first customers and get down to the business of farming. Good times!